November 2023

Concrete Maintenance and Repair: A Guide to Commercial Pavement in Houston

Concrete Maintenance and Repair: A Guide to Commercial Pavement in Houston

Concrete can’t be beat in terms of durability. With just a modest amount of maintenance, the material will last for decades with minimal issues. As tough as it is, though, concrete isn’t completely invulnerable. Weather, wear, and the occasional accident can cause minor instances of damage to emerge in commercial concrete. If handled promptly, minor […]

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Pavement and ADA Compliance: How to Create a Compliant Parking Lot

Pavement and ADA Compliance: How to Create a Compliant Parking Lot

When businesses think of ADA compliance, they probably don’t think of their parking lots first, but pavement is a critical part of accessibility and is tightly regulated at both the federal and state levels. In fact, the regulations attached to pavement and parking lot construction are complicated enough that many property owners turn to a

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When are Houston Asphalt Paving Services Needed

When are Houston Asphalt Paving Services Needed

Asphalt paving services include site preparation, installation, and the maintenance of asphalt surfaces. These services should be provided by a Houston expert pavement contractor that can partner with a business for the pavement’s lifespan. For property owners to maximize their asphalt pavement investment, asphalt services will be needed periodically during the pavement’s life. Here, we’ll

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Winterizing Your Parking Lot Before Freezing Weather Arrives

Winterizing Your Parking Lot Before Freezing Weather Arrives

Preparing Your Parking Lot for Freezing Conditions Before Winter Sets In It’s no secret that weather is pavement’s biggest enemy. Seasonal changes tend to expose structural weaknesses lurking inside of failing asphalt and concrete, resulting in sudden, severe failures. Most weather-related damage has more to do with seasonal cycles than with extreme weather itself. As

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Longitudinal Cracking

Longitudinal Cracking

Addressing Stubborn Longitudinal Cracking Longitudinal cracking is ubiquitous on Texas highways, and any heavily trafficked road in the state, for that matter. These expansive cracks emerge parallel to the road’s edge and can extend for many feet before terminating. They tend to widen with time, so longitudinal cracks can be a pest for motorists and

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